Monday, August 29, 2005

What Would Jesus Do?

The following letter to the editor was in the Los Angeles Times on August 24, 2005 in response to Pat Robertson's fatwa to assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez:

If Christ were alive today he would be demanding that everyone receive healthcare at no cost, for starters. Remember: "Heal thy sick". Lawmakers not only commit the "sin" of compromise but completely disregard this important teaching. And I don't suppose Pat Robertson would be walking beside Jesus while advocating murder.

While the immoral Iraq war is being conducted and the president sleeps with the "money changers," Christ exists only as a brand name to many of these politicians. True followers of Christ's teaching would be standing with Cindy Sheehan right now.

I am thoroughly convinced that if Jesus returned to Earth, Bush and the fundamentalist Christians would crucify him (or maybe just send him to Guantanamo).

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